Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ah Thursday...I am ever so glad that you are here!!  That means tomorrow is Friday!!  I am going on my first ever playdate tonight with Little A and her best bud Little V and her mom.  Little A has so much fun with her friend Little V, I enjoy watching them run and play and seeing their little smiling faces as we push them on the swings.  Then after they play at the park we are all four going to go to a local pizza place and have some yummy pizza!!  It is fun to watch my sweet girl develop friendships with other kids.

I will enjoy the time watching my girl play but also getting to know Little V's mom better as well!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Okay so it has been a long time since I have posted...I get so busy and I forget!!  Well it has been a very busy summer at our house!! September proves to be just as busy.  I am pretty sure we have something going every weekend in September, plus right now I am on a strict workout schedule as I have started the INSANITY workout.  It truely is insane and when I am up at 5:30 am every morning sweating buckets hating Shaun T for making me do it I wonder if I am insane?  Oh well hopefully it pays off in the end.  I am starting my second week of the eight week workout.  I am not going to post the pre-insanity pictures cause I don't think anyone needs to see that but if I look good afterwards I will post them!!

Other than that it has just been crazy, busy summer and after September I keep thinking that things will slow down but then we have a month and the holidays hit!! Then before I know it my Little A will be three years old and we will be saying hello to 2012!! Phew makes me tired just thinking about it. 

Well speaking of busy I had better hop to it!! I hope you all have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I love to cook...and bake and try new recipes.  Last night I was using some Jiffy Baking mix to make a shell to put a ground beef mixture in and saw a recipe for sugar cookies on the box and had to try it.  I am not a lover of soft sugar cookies, but my husband is and it made the softest sugar cookies ever.  He ate like 10 of them!!  So I decided I would share it with all of you!!

Sugar Cookies

(36 Cookies)

  • 2 cups "JIFFY" Baking Mix
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 5 Tbsp. shortening, softened
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 350°, grease baking sheet.
Combine all ingredients and blend well. Drop by tablespoon onto prepared baking sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes. Remove cookies and sprinkle with sugar.

They are super easy to make and my 2 year old daughter even helped and had a blast! We sprinkled on colored sugar BEFORE we put them in to bake not after!! Enjoy!! We certainly did!

Monday, April 25, 2011

SPRING has sprung!!!

Oh finally some nice days!  We have had several beautiful days of weather in a row!! Makes life so much better to be able to spend time outdoors running or playing in the park with my family.  I was considering a bike ride tonight but there was talk of mowing the lawn!!  I know MOWING THE LAWN?? Does that have to start already?  Oh why am I complaining?  I don't even mow the lawn because my husband LOVES mowing the lawn, in fact he loves it so much I think he wishes that we had a bigger yard sometimes!! Crazy man!!

I noticed as I was on my run yesterday that several people in town have mowed their lawns and lots of flowers have been coming up and soon will be those beautiful bursts of color that mean that spring is finally here.  I was beginning to get worried it would be gloomy all spring, but God has given us several lovely days to enjoy so I am thanking Him for that!! All I can say is hallelujah!! Thank you for putting that spring (no pun intended) back in my step!!

Make sure you go out and enjoy the beautiful days, along with the rest of His creation!! It is marvelous!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ah blessed sleep!!

Ah blessed sleep, wonderful sleep!! This is the sleep only a mother would know when her child is having a sleepover at Poppa and Grandma's house!! Even though when I was driving home from their house after dropping her off I was VERY tired and thought I wasn't going to make it home, I did!  I got home and dumped my stuff on the counter and put on some comfy workout pants and a t-shirt, brushed my teeth and I was off to lala land!! I am not even sure I moved until this morning!!

However, this morning on one of the few days I can sleep in happened to be at 5 am!! My stupid cat decided he needed to jump up on the counter and mess around with stuff on the counter!! GRRRRR!! I am pretty sure I used up at least one of his nine lives this morning!! :-) Hehe!!

Oh well, the lovely uninterrupted sleep was so wonderful and I felt so refreshed that when I went for my run this morning I really booked it!! You just feel like a whole new person.  It made me think about this article I recently read on Yahoo Shine about how this husband surprised his wife with an overnight getaway on the eve of Mother's Day every year to a different hotel all by herself, I guess I had kind of a little getaway to my own house last night.  Does that count? I think so!! So thank you to my parents for keeping my sweet Little A so I could get some much needed rest!! Just make sure you bring her home tonight!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My sweet baby!

I don't know if I have said or not but I have a sweet baby girl, okay well she is not a baby anymore...she is a toddler now.  She is such a sweet, loving girl and her smile can light up my whole day.  I am sure that every mother says that but it is true for me.  Even if I have the roughest of rough days when she comes home from daycare and runs up and gives me a hug and tells me how much she missed me it chases all of that away.

This is a cute picture of my Little A, she is wearing Grandma B's sunglasses!! Silly girl!  That is her to a T a silly little girl! Even this picture is several months old.  I guess that shows me I need to get some new pictures taken!!

Well I think I am finished with my gushing for the day!! I am going to go give my Little A a bath and put her to bed!  I hope you all have a wonderful night! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Snow really??? Uugh

Just when I though winter was over I wake up this morning to snow, ugh snow on the ground!! I know they were predicting snow but I was hoping for some rain.  I decided it wasn't too much snow so I was going to go run this morning anyway, but I was regretting that on my way home when the snow was hitting me in the face making it hard to even see.  I know I need to be thankful for the moisture and when I see my pretty spring flowers and nice green grass come up I will be but it is a little hard to do that when it says it is 28 degrees outside and still snowing!  Oh well do April snows bring May flowers too??

Hopefully we don't get too much snow cause the wind sure is blowing, that could make for kind of a nasty spring storm!  Guess we will find out in a few hours!!